
Christmas Presents

Even some neurotypical people decide "I'm not doing Christmas presents / Christmas cards ths year" so there's absolutely no reason why we - as autists - can't decide the same.

If you like to give gifts but you struggle knowing what to get for people ask them!  It might sound odd, with gifts generally thought of as surprises but think about it - somebody is going to prefer something they're going to like and use as opposed to a surprise that they don't like and won't use.  If you're buying for young children, ask their parents what they're interested in.

If you're living with a non autistic partner, they may have a better idea of who to buy for and what to get so maybe just leave the whole gifting task to them :-)

Again, thinking about non autistic partners, gift giving at Christmas is somewhat ingrained and unless you've each decided that you won't buy anything for each other this year.  If your mind's a blank about what to get - ask them.  A sure fire way to a happy recipient! 

This year will be difficult financially for many people so in theory there should be less expectation from others in terms of gifts and also no compulsion on ourselves to spend money that we don't have.

To avoid the horror that is opening well-intended gifts in front of other people, (which comes with the added pressure of having to respond immediately as that's what's expected of us), thank them for thinking of you and tell them that you'll open it later on - when it's quieter / when you're less tired / when there's less going on etc.

Depending on your family and friends dynamic, try setting up an Amazon Wish List and popping some items in there that you like.  These could be simple things such as household items you use every day or little treats such as that book you've had your eye on.  You can direct people to the list to see what would be appropriate to get for you. And of course, nobody has to buy anything directly from that giant online retailer if they don't want to but they can use the ideas in there to seek the items out in regular bricks and mortar shops if they prefer.

Do tell people if you'd prefer your presents to be left unwrapped.

If you are gift-giving, do set a budget and try and stick to it. It's very easy to go over the top and this year more than ever, it's important to stick to a limit. 

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