Questions Answered
What is the main aim of the group?
In a nutshell, the two main aims are ;
Why is the age range for the group set at 35 and above?
It's a sad fact that there is very little ongoing or post-diagnostic support for autistic people. However, the support options that do exist are mainly geared towards younger people aged 35 and below.
From research I've done both online and from speaking with others, they want to engage with other autistic people around their own ages. Obviously, the longer someone has been around, the wider their experiences of life will be and there is more likelihood that someone of a similar age will have gone through some of the same things which then makes sharing more productive.
If you are aged under 35 and are really struggling with isolation and feel that the group would be useful for you, please contact me using the form here and we can discuss the possibility of an exception to the minimum age limit. Please ensure you include your age and diagnosis information when contacting me.
How can I join?
Although updates are posted here every 1-2 months, the best way to keep up to date with events and otherwise is via the Facebook group. Just search 'AS North West' on Facebook and request to join. It's a private group for everyone's security and safety.
Remember - you must be officially diagnosed as autistic and/or ADHD or awaiting formal diagnosis for either.
What if I don't use Facebook / Social Media?
If you're reasonably local to South Ribble, please get in touch using the contact form here to find out how you can access group updates outside of social media.
For anyone not in reasonable travelling distance of South Ribble, I can only provide Facebook updates at the moment.
Why is an official diagnosis required?
By dint of us being neurodivergent, we are more vulnerable than most. That's a fact.
Another fact is, that a good number of neurodivergent people won't consider themselves vulnerable at all.
In setting up a group with genuine aims to support neurodivergent people with different degrees of vulnerability, there has to be a duty of care to ensure - insofar as is possible - that we are safe and free to be ourselves without fear of ridicule, bullying and harrassment.
Unfortunately, it's a sad fact of life that there will always be people out there that are seeking to exploit those more vulnerable than themselves and this group is no place for that which is why the golden rule is that for this group, you must either have an official autism and/or ADHD diagnosis or be on the waiting list for one. You may be asked to provde proof of either status so that this group can remain safe and secure for all members.
There are a number of groups out there for those that are self diagnosed or who are not happy with this rule so please bear this in mind before requesting to join.
The safety of everyone is the number one priority of this group.
Can I just turn up to a group meeting?
So that we can manage both numbers and the expectations (and potential anxieties) of our members, you MUST register before coming along.
What if I'm interested but can't commit to anything regular?
No problem!
That's one thing this group is all about.
First and foremost, it needs to be a place where neurodivergent people can feel safe, supported and able to 'be themselves' without worrying about what anyone else will think.
No group can be all things to all people, all of the time and not every meet-up will be something that every person either can or will want to attend - that's fine.
I'm not in the Facebook group and haven't officially joined, can I still come to group meetings?
Yes, but you must register to attend beforehand and have provided your age and diagnosis status. Nobody can 'just turn up'.
Can I get involved in other ways?
I'm just one neurodivergent person with other commitments and varying capacity levels so if you'd like to get involved in other ways to support the group, please get in touch. Different ideas that support group aims are welcome.
How can I promote my business with AS North West?
AS North West is happy to promote any neurodivergent led businesses. We'll need two or three sentences from you on what your business is about and why you started it (a backstory is always good) and a link. If you'd like it promoted on the Facebook group too, a Facebook banner would be useful if you have one. To contact us to request a business link, please complete the message fields here or message via the Facebook group.
What is peer support and how does it work?
In a nutshell, peer support means being able to talk to others like you to seek ideas, suggestions or just a listening ear.
In some situations, it could mean that you come acoss somebody with expertise in a particular area (such as employment law) which might be what you're looking for to discuss a work issue. In other situations, it could just mean you want to chat to a likeminded soul to break out of isolation.
What is the group NOT?
This group has been set up primarily as a friendship base that can be extended via meet ups, activities and sometimes outings.
The primary focus of this group will be in-person activities and (once we have more people who are happy to give up some time), peer support activities, be that online or over the telephone.
The group is NOT a dating site and should not be considered as such. Many autistic people would simply like friends and to expand their social circle in ways that are possible for them so by working together as a collective, this is the aim.