If as an autistic adult, you live with other non autistic people they should already know that you prefer to approach things in a set way but it's often a good idea to gently remind them of this as the festive season approaches.
Managing Routine / Changes to Routine
If as an autistic adult, you live with other non autistic people they should already know that you prefer to approach things in a set way but it's often a good idea to gently remind them of this as the festive season approaches.
When bringing up the subject of how routine is important to you, try and do it in a gentle and calm manner. Even though you might be feeling anxious inside, adopting an 'it's my way or the highway' approach isn't fair to others around you.
If your feel that family or friends around you haven't given you enough information about upcoming events, ask for it.
Remember that life is about give and take and that's especially relevant when you live with other people. Your wellbeing needs to be paramount but others should also be able to enjoy themselves and have fun. Not of course, to your detriment but definitely to a level they can enjoy and relax into so be prepared to compromise. For example, any event you agree to participate in, make sure others know you'll need to have 'recoup' time the following day.
It can be helpful to use a calender or print/write a list to pin up of things that are upcoming so there is a visual reminder and so that these things don't slip from your mind and end up becoming unexpected surprises when somebody reminds you of them!
If you live with others, agree that you'll keep an area of your house Christmas-free with no decorations or festive reminders. You can use it to read quietly, catch up with favourite shows or podcasts you listen to regularly in a non-festive, ordinary environment, or just 'be'.
If you have a support worker, make sure you have a note of when they might be available over the Christmas period or of any resources their organisation might have in place to support people over the festive season.